2025ean —beranduxe, bai— hasitako musika bildumaren xehetasunak. Baita, etorkizunean noizbait, diska- (fisiko zein digital) eta podcast-bildumak ere…
§Binilo bilduma
- King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King (MusicBrainz)
- Orhiko Khantariak - Orhiko Khantariak (Discogs)
- Radiohead - Kid A (MusicBrainz)
- Mogwai - Happy Songs for Happy People (MusicBrainz)
- Aphex Twin - Windowlicker (MusicBrainz)
- Aphex Twin - Come to Daddy (MusicBrainz)
- Miles Davis - Bitches Brew (MusicBrainz)
- Four Tet - Everything Ecstatic (MusicBrainz)
- Caribou - Andorra (MusicBrainz)